About Garry

Garry Gewant
Garry Gewant is the director and lead Hypnocounselor at
HYP4LIFE llc – Improving Your Life Through Hypnotherapy,
a company that offers services using hypnosis, positive visualization and guided imagery to individuals and groups, specializing in, Smoking Cessation, Weight Control, Stress Management, Elimination of Fears and Phobias, Hypnosis for Children, Improving Sports, Artistic, and Academic Performance, Anger Management, Past life Regression Therapy, Reiki, Healing Touch and Psychic/Mediumship.
HYP4LIFE llc. is certified by The National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), The International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA), The American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH), The International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT), The National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists (NATH) and International Association of Reiki Practioners (IARP). Garry received his BA from The City University of New York and his Masters in Education from Rutgers University. He has trained in various hypnosis techniques at the Institute of Hypnotherapy in Manalapan NJ, where he received basic and advanced certifications and advanced certifications from the Mottin & Johnson Institute;
The Holistic Healing Center of NY (where he received certifications in Empowered Childbirthtm, The Body Awareness Process and Past Life Regression Therapy) and The Weiss Institute, (where he received advanced training in Past Life Regression Therapy and Future Life Progression Therapy by Dr. Brian Weiss author of “Many Lives, Many Masters”). He has had additional trainings in “Reiki” and “ Healing Touch”. Garry has studied under some of the most renouned and learned Tutors in Spiritual Mediumship. And he believes that life is for your soul's growth and continuously takes classes to advance his knowledge in his fields and in life in general.
Along with his Hypnosis Practice
Garry has had many interesting and various careers. He has been an artist, photographer, writer, printer, auto glass installer, UPS driver, McDonald’s manager, Supermarket manager and a special education teacher. He retired from teaching after 27 years at Somerset County Vocational Technical High School, where he designed and taught the Supermarket Careers Program. In addition to his duties as a teacher of the handicapped and a Hypnotherapist, he has been the vice president of the Somerset County Vocational Technical Education Association, the treasurer of the New Jersey Marketing Education Association, the school advisor for the Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) and a professional development provider (#3557) for the New Jersey Department of Education . Garry is the author of the book: "I'll Take Hypnosis With a Side of Mediumship"

Garry and James Van Praagh
at an Advanced Mediumship workshop

James brought Garry to the stage
to do a Psychic Mediumship reading

Garry with Dr. Brian Weiss author of "Many Lives, Many Masters"

Garry Gewant's Book
I'll Take Hypnosis with a Side of Mediumship
Have you ever wondered how professional Mediums come to have faith in their psychic and mediumistic abilities?
$21.99Paperback | $22.24Hardcover | $2.99Kindle |